Parents in Kafanchan urged to invest in children education

Kafanchan UBE primary school

Parents in Kafanchan have been urged to consider education as the best to their children and ward. The head teacher, UBE Kafanchan Township Primary School, Mrs. Murna Adams gave the advice during the School Based Management committee SBMC, meeting.                         
Mrs. Adams called on them to take the education of their children with all sense of  seriousness particularly girl child and children with disabilities who need special attention.                       
She explained that the aim of the meeting was to encourage parents to always ensure their children have all the necessary documentation from primary one to six for them to graduate without any hitch.                                    
While commending the efforts of both parents and teachers in ensuring that pupils are given the deserving quality education, Mrs. Murna appreciated one of special teachers who enrolled a blind child on the street into school.
According to her, the effort attracted the attention of the Kaduna state government to sponsor the education of the child from primary to tertiary level.                                        
The head teacher used the meeting to appealed to the government to come to the aid of UBE Kafanchan Township Primary School to construct more classrooms as some classes are over populated.                                         

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